Hi everyone! My name is Isabel and welcome to my travel blog Flips, Dips, and Trips!

My goal for this blog is to share my travels and help as many people as possible become inspired to travel. As a transgender woman I want to prove that it is possible for people like me to travel to new places. I have found that the world is much less scary than it appears and that people are far more welcoming of people seen as different. I am also a full time high school social studies teacher but when I am not teaching I am travelling or researching new trips. I double majored in history and social studies along with getting my teaching license. My study of history helped me become a better writer and gave me confidence to write more. Being from Ohio, it is easy to drive to many places in the United States and although I have never left the country, I feel like I have had enough experience to share my travel tips and experiences.

Why Flips, Dips, and Trips?

I chose this name for my blog because it describes what I love about travel. Flips refers to roller coasters and how some go upside down or flip. As of now I have been on over 200 different roller coasters at 50 different amusement parks throughout the U.S. Some of my favorite parks are Cedar Point, Knoebels, and Kings Island. This blog will feature many park and coaster reviews along with tips and tricks for planning your own trip to an amusement park.

Dips refers to ice cream. All of my friends say I have an ice cream problem but I don’t see it. Yes I do always stop for ice cream whenever I see a shop and I sometimes do it multiple times a day but it’s not like I have an ice cream addiction or anything. I’m fine I promise. But seriously I do eat a lot of ice cream so this blog will also feature reviews and suggestions about the many ice cream places I have visited including Ted Drewes in St. Louis, Weber’s in Cleveland, and Leopold’s in Savannah.

Lastly, trips has to do with my many road trips that I take. I eventually want to branch out to new countries but so far my only experience is with the road trip. I enjoy the freedom it gives me to not be stuck to an itinerary which suits my impulsive personality. I also love how I can do short side trips that are on the way to larger destinations. I want to feature road trips that contain some lesser known destinations. Some of my best travel memories come from spontaneous side trips like the Villisca Axe Murder House in Iowa on the way to Kansas City or Valley Forge on the way to New Jersey. I did not plan to go to either during my trip but I had extra time and was in the area so I went. One of my goals for this blog is to encourage you to take spontaneous side trips like these and break from a set schedule.

I am so excited to share my tips and travels with all of you. I am always open to suggestions and trip ideas myself so don’t hesitate to reach out. I look forward to hearing from you!